Sightseeing Over Italy

by Steve Mackenzie

Arthur Dawkins (on the right) with Argus 'V' FZ976 at DAF Comm Flight 1944. Photo A.Dawkins.

This article is about something a little bit different to our usual fare. During WW.II pilots flew operational tours (usually so many hours or missions were set down as making up a tour, it varied greatly with the circumstances). Between tours, Fighter pilots were usually given the choice of 'flying a desk' in some HQ (many hated the idea !) or doing some instructor work at an OTU training new guys for an operational role. Instructing was not popular either as many veteran pilots reckoned it was more dangerous than combat, newbies having an endless supply of ways to kill you (collisions etc...).

Arthur Dawkins flew 2 tours (at least) with 3 Sqn RAAF and in the 2nd half of 1944 managed to avoid the 2 usual after tour fates when he was posted to the Desert Air Force (DAF) Communication Unit. We copied several images that he had of Fairchild C-61 Argus airframes that he had flown, I also located a couple of other photos of the same aircraft. I have also included a couple of other airframes in this article (an Argus used by 451 Sqn as a hack) and also something very rare, a Stinson L-1 in use by the DAF Comm Unit. The RAF received small numbers of this type but this is the only example that I have seen in unit service.

Argus airframes were used in the UK in some numbers (by ATA etc) in a colour scheme of Dark Green / Dark Earth with Orange lower surfaces. The airframes used at DAF Comm Unit were apparently in the common Temperate scheme of Dark Green / Dark Earth uppers with Sky lower surfaces. Earlier examples in the M.E were in the Desert scheme of Dark Earth/ Midstone/ Azure Blue per a couple of photos presented here.

Argus FZ796 'V'. Dark Green / Dark Earth uppers with Sky lower surfaces. Code letter in White, standard Black 8' serials on the rear fuselage. Ref: heading photo from A.Dawkins.

The top photo (from A,Dawkins) shows a group of pilots with Argus 'Z'. The 2nd from the net shows Fairchild Argus FS514 'Z' parked on PSP DAF, Comm Flt 1945. Forli Italy which is likely the same airframe.

Argus FS514 'Z'. Dark Green / Dark Earth uppers with Sky lower surfaces. Code letter in White, standard Black 8' serials on the rear fuselage. Ref: 2 photos above from A.Dawkins and net.

The 3rd Argus that Arthur Dawkins had a photo of was coded 'Y'. The serial was not fully readable but started with 'E'. A online search showed that the Pavla 1/72 kit came with markings for EV757 'Y' in a desert scheme. Knowing there had to be a photo they were basing that on, an inline search turned up a small print of the said airframe (attached). While this does look to be desert colours, the pattern is different to how Pavla illustrated it however. That however is not important as by the time that A.Dawkins photographed it in Italy, it had been repainted in the Temperate scheme with the 'Y' remarked. That is how my drawing shows it.

Argus EV757 'Y'. Dark Green / Dark Earth uppers with Sky lower surfaces. Code letter in White, standard Black 8' serials on the rear fuselage. Ref: 2 photos above from A.Dawkins and net.

Hit next to go to the 2nd page on Argus & Vigilant colour schemes.